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Our Behaviour Expectations


Behaviour at Marston Vale Middle School

At MVM we prefer to concentrate on rewarding good behaviour but we are also quick to deal with behaviour which is not conducive to the positive learning community we wish to create.

We expect pupils to be ready, respectful and responsible in each lesson. Students may receive break, lunchtime or after-school detentions for failing to meet the standards of MVM, usually run by the teacher or Heads of Year and Senior Leadership Team.  Members of the Senior Leadership team hold after school detentions from 3.30 pm - 4.30 pm every day for those who have not responded to previous consequences.


Behaviour Correction: Warning System

Staff are able to begin a sanction from level 1-3 depending on the severity of the behaviour.



Reasons related to core principles

Immediate actions



·         Not Ready: Late to lesson under five minutes

·         Not Responsible: Poor attitude to learning.

·         Not Respectful: Distracting others from learning

·         Not Respectful: Refusal to follow fair and reasonable instructions.

·         Not Ready: Non-compliance with equipment expectations.

·         Not Responsible: Not completing homework.

·         Not Ready: Non-compliance with uniform 

·         Not Responsible: Failure to behave during unstructured times


Formal Warning recorded.


Classroom intervention and/or Break detention.



·         Not Ready: Late more than five minutes.

·         Not Respectful: Disrespectful language.

·         Not Responsible: Incomplete work/refusal to work.

·         Not Respectful: Distracting others from learning - continued.

·         Not Respectful: Refusal to follow fair and reasonable instructions -                       Continued.

·         Not Respectful: Unkind and/or derogatory comments to peers.

·         Not Ready: Non-compliance with equipment expectations -                                     Continued.

·         Not Ready: Non-compliance with uniform - Continued.

·         Not Responsible: Repeated failure to behave during unstructured                         times.       


Formal warning recorded


Exit from class outside the door with a yellow card.


Lunch detention.




·         Not Respectful: Persistently distracting others from learning.

·         Not Respectful: Persistent defiance

·         Not Respectful: Bullying 

·         Not Respectful: Racist or continued disrespectful language.

·         Not Ready: Persistent non-compliance with uniform.

·         Not Responsible: Failure to behave during unstructured times causing               serious incident.     


Formal warning Recorded


Exited from class with a red card.

SLT On Call to pick up.


After School detention.


If there are any significant or sustained behaviour concerns it will be necessary to consider further sanctions such as, an internal isolation, suspension, alternative provision or permanent exclusion. Behaviours of this nature will undertake decisions of this nature. 

The school takes rewards and consequences very seriously and we expect parents to support the school’s decisions with regard to the use of both.

 It is also important to note that all staff work hard to support all pupils. When working in partnership to address behaviours it is imperative parents and staff communicate in person or via telephone with calmness and kindness at all times.




Behaviour Policy