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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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The Trust seeks to promote and celebrate the individual and collective achievements of all the schools by providing the very best education and qualifications for our learners in a pleasant, happy and caring academic environment.

Although each school retains its individual identity and history, the desire for excellence and high achievement for all learners, regardless of their background or ability, is the common underpinning feature of all our schools. We work together, using our very best teachers and leaders to raise the outcomes and opportunities for every child, sharing best practice and expertise amongst staff to raise participation and narrow gaps in achievement. Developing excellent attitudes to learning in its widest sense and fostering respect, courtesy, consideration and friendship are also central to the ethos of our school communities. We also work extensively with other schools locally and nationally through the Chiltern Teaching School Alliance, Chiltern Training Group and Challenge Partners, a national school improvement network.

The practicalities of the Trust arrangement also enable us to retain a strong central team of specialists with expertise in finance, marketing, facilities management, staff training and development, technology for learning and human resources, helping to ensure that the outstanding quality of teaching and learning is mirrored in the day-to-day running of the schools.

Chiltern Learning Trust
Teresa Kelly
Company Secretary
Chiltern Learning  Trust
c/o Denbigh High School
Alexandra Avenue

Telephone Number: 01582 736611

For more information about the Chiltern Learning Trust please visit:
