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Pupil Premium


In April 2011 the Government introduced the Pupil Premium.

This is additional funding provided to schools by the Department for Education. Pupil eligible to receive this funding are in four groups: those entitled to free school meal (FSM), those who have been entitled during the last six years (Ever6), children in care or looked after (CLA) and services children. 

The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals and their wealthier peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.


As a school, we received £1,455 for each eligible year 5 & 6 pupil at Marston Vale and £1,035 for each eligible year 7 & 8  pupil. 

How to Register For Free School Meals Entitlement

You can register for Free School Meals if you get any of the following benefits:

  • Income Support.
  • Job seekers allowance- Income Based.
  • Employment and Support Allowance- Income Related.
  • Support under part V1 of the immigration and Asylum Act 1999.
  • Child Tax Credit, provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income that does not exceed £16,190.
  • Guarantee element of State Pension Credit.

The decision over how the money is spent is the final decision of the Headteacher, having been delegated this responsibility by the governing body. Parents/carers and external agencies cannot dictate how this money is spent, though they may make requests which will be considered.

Key Priorities

Our core aim is to raise the attainment and progress of students eligible for pupil premium funding.

Success Criteria:

  • Improved levels of attainment;
  • Close the attainment gaps relative to non – pupil premium students Nationally;
  • Enhance reading, writing, mathematics and communication skills;
  • Engage and develop learning through extra-curricular provision;
  • The staff have a clear focus on improving outcomes for all disadvantaged students.

The government allows schools to decide how to use their pupil premium funding but we are held accountable for the impact of pupil premium funding in the following ways:

  • Performance tables are published which show the performance of disadvantaged pupils compared with their peers.
  • We are required to publish details online each year of how we are using the pupil premium and the impact it is having on student achievement.
  • The Ofsted inspection framework ensures inspectors focus on the attainment of pupil groups, and in particular those who attract the pupil premium.