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Marston Vale Middle School recognises the value of homework and the opportunities for independent learning. 

We strive for excellent progress and want to ensure this is consistent through school and home learning.

Homework must be written in pupils’ planners and will be set on relevant Google Classrooms.  .  Pupils will also be encouraged to read regularly.

Homework is set for:

  • Supporting delivery of the curriculum
  • Preparation for learning
  • Extended learning
  • Embedding learning
  • To reinforce and help learners to retain information taught in the classroom
  • To enable learning to be applied
  • To promote independent learning including developing self-study
  • As an assessment tool
  • To encourage engagement and ownership by pupils
  • It must be appropriate, but challenging for individual pupils
  • Ultimately we believe that it is the quality of homework set that is important and not the quantity.

Parental support with homework is key and all homework is recorded by pupils in their planners which are then signed by parents/carers on a weekly basis and monitored by their form tutor.

As a school we recognise the fact that it is important for pupils to be able to access homework and that it is set in several different ways.

For any homework queries please approach your child's subject teacher in the first instance.