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GSO Test

Essential Equipment

All pupils must have a strong bag in which to carry their equipment to and from school. 

This must be named.  School bags should be of a size that will accommodate A4 books and files, but should also be of a size that fits into your school locker.

PE Bags

A bag is necessary for your games kit; a drawstring bag is better than a holdall.

As this fits into your school locker.  Bags can be bought from Prestige and will hold your full PE kit – boots, trainers, long black socks, shorts, polo shirt, gum shield and shin pads.  Please see Uniform page for more information.

Every pupil must have certain basic items of equipment in order to work efficiently within school.

We recommend one pencil case containing:

  • A black ink pen or Berol handwriting pen – NOT a biro or felt-tipped pen please
  • HB pencils 
  • A pencil sharpener
  • Glue Stick
  • A soft rubber
  • Colouring pencils
  • A strong, plastic 30cm ruler
  • For KS2 a basic calculator
  • For KS3 a scientific calculator clearly marked with pupil’s name
  • A blue/black dry-wipe whiteboard pen (non-permanent)
  • A pocket dictionary (optional)
  • A set of highlighter pens
  • A 500ml clear plastic bottle for drinking water