Vision, Values and Ethos
Inspire, Achieve, Empower
As a school, we aim to ‘Inspire, Achieve and Empower’.
Inspiring Learning
Pupils will be inspired by engaging in high quality learning within and beyond the classroom.
With passion for their subjects, staff will provide motivational learning experiences in a stimulating environment that promote a sense of curiosity and wonder. For pupils we aim to develop a life-long love of learning that will readily prepare them for the next stage in their educational journey and beyond.
Achieving Excellence
Within a culture of high expectation, pupils will be given opportunities to achieve their potential and succeed in all aspects of school life.
By making the most of their learning opportunities they will grow, develop and be praised and rewarded for their success. Pupils will be encouraged to make a valuable contribution to school life and the wider community as part of their learning journey.
Empowering future learners and leaders
Pupils will be empowered to grow and develop as confident young people, with the skills to embrace life in an ever changing and demanding world.
As learners they will be expected to ask questions, to learn from their mistakes and, in doing so, become resilient and independent. They will be empowered to follow their individual passions and ambitions and to have the skills to make informed decisions about future life choices. We aim to empower our next generation of future leaders, ready to take on all of life’s challenges.
Marston Vale Middle School is committed to the core principles set out by The Chiltern Learning Trust.
These are characterised by a passionate and unrelenting drive to ensure that every pupil makes extraordinary progress, achieves exceptional standards and realises his or her huge potential.
The Trust is committed to developing the whole person so that young people know what they care about in life and what drives them; know their strengths and aspirations; know how to remain optimistic and bounce back from setbacks; know how to deal with their emotions; know what makes them happy and how to stay that way; know the importance of humour; know how to look after themselves and live healthy fulfilling lives and know how to support others and how they can contribute to making society a better place for themselves, others and future generations.
Marston Vale Middle School and Chiltern Learning Trust believes that all children and young people, however challenging their circumstances and whatever their background, can achieve.
We will encourage our pupils to be self-disciplined, resilient and creative. They will be confident, able to express themselves eloquently and importantly, have the ability to think. They will be given the power, responsibility and chance to control their lives and their learning by acquiring the knowledge, skills, qualities and attributes necessary to succeed in life in the 21st century.